Dedication and focus
Our staff has more than ten years of experience in management and leadership
Project services
At Syntbit, we offer several types of project services which facilitate, monitor and guide product development. Our customers require such services in demanding situations when the entire project, or some of the product characteristics, cannot be finalised without the right amount of dedication and focus.
Contract services
By offering contract services, we provide a workforce to complete a part of or the entire project team at the customer side. Our staff has more than ten years of experience in management and leadership. We professionally handle projects that typically don’t follow standard rules about timing, staffing, budget, etc. This usually happens because of some specific issue or management focus. We can support any business model, regardless if it is a temporary employment (Arbeitnehmerüberlassung, for which we have ANÜ allowance), contract based on hours or the one based on requirements.
Based on customer ś needs, prototyping can be offered as a separate service or in a package with hardware, tooling or third-party services. This latter option is very convenient to customers as the bookkeeping is simplified. You pay only one invoice but receive everything that is needed to complete the project successfully. We can interface directly with tier 2 to transmit requirements of the sub- components without issues of non-disclosure agreements, etc.
Proof of concept
In our laboratory, we use our engineering resources to build, test and analyse new products and technology to provide a proof of concept for tier 1 suppliers. We follow customer ś detailed project brief and ensure we meet their requirements.
Penetration testing
Cybersecurity attacks, such as brute force and reverse brute force, can negatively impact the production. It can cause loss of the company’s reputation and lack of trust in its product which leads to significant financial loss. To avoid these kinds of situations, to our customers we offer services in terms of ethical hacking where we go deeper into the concept by using conventional penetration techniques such as sniffing and injection, using tools available on the market. Later we develop our tools and methods to find and solve vulnerabilities. We harden the products and concepts to reduce the possibility of cybersecurity attacks. We offer services for network, wireless and physical penetration testing.